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Colliery Training College

About CTC

Established in 1965 and situated in Emalahleni (Witbank), Colliery Training College (CTC) has transformed itself into a leader in skills development. By providing high-quality training not just for the mining industry, but across various sectors.

The centre provides engineering and mining skills for Mechanical and Electrical Artisans, Underground Mining, Surface Excavations, Mineral Processing and various specialized industry aligned short courses.

Accredited by the Quality Council for Trades and Occupations (QCTO) and other
relevant SETAs as Engineering and Mining Skills Development Provider and
Assessment Centre.

Our Shareholders

Training at CTC


To be a leading catalyst for a highly skilled and innovative workforce, driving industry growth and safety.


Empowering individuals, from new entrants to experienced professionals, with the essential engineering and mining skills needed for successful careers.  We achieve this through a collaborative approach, working with industry partners and stakeholders to develop innovative, high-quality and industry-aligned training programs.  This fosters a skilled workforce, continuous learning, safety awareness and positive community impact.


  • At CTC we are Passionate about what we do:
    We are energised by the training solutions we deliver, the challenges we face and the opportunities we create.  We are motivated to unlock the potential of our learners for our customer partners.
  • At CTC we Pull Together:
    As one team united in purpose, action and spirit, we use the diversity of our people, skills and experiences in our unique and unequalled institution. We harness the strengths of our stakeholders so that we jointly and continually improve the prospects of our learners.
  • At CTC we trust each other:
    We deliver on all our commitments; to our customer partners and each other. We are recognised for our exceptional and disciplined delivery of training. We act with openness, honesty and integrity in our relationships with learners, customer partners and suppliers so that these relationships may flourish.
  • At CTC we show that we care:
    The learners and other people whose futures we touch and the environment we share matter deeply to us. We nurture, develop and celebrate all of these people. We always act with their dignity, safety and health foremost in our minds.
  • At CTC we Shape the Future:
    Our facilities and long history makes us the leading skills provider in South Africa. We will constantly redefine how training gets delivered. We set demanding targets, take tough decisions and courageously seeks to achieve them. We insist on excellence and are rewarded accordingly.

Training at CTC

  • All our training are geared to meet workplace demands. Our workshops and training rooms are staffed with skilled Training Officers in their various areas of expertise.
  • CTC provides Engineering trade specific skills training for Apprenticeship, Learnerships, Skills Programmes, Serviceman / Operative and various specialized industry aligned short courses.
  • Underground Mining, Surface Excavation as well as Mineral Processing training for full Qualifications, Skills Programmes and various specialized short courses are included in CTC’s training portfolio.
  • Students are thoroughly trained in both the theoretical and practical aspects in their respective field of study.
  • Anyone wishing to improve their skills can choose between all modules available to suit their company’s or individual needs.
  • Most courses are done at CTC. However, due to the complexity of the practical aspects in the Mining disciplines (Underground and Surface), training will be concluded on various host sites.

Students are thoroughly trained in both the theoretical and practical aspects in their course of study. Training is done on a modular basis, and a self-paced method of study is applied.
Additional courses are also available. Anyone wishing to improve his/her skills can also choose between all modules available to suit their companies’ or own needs.
Note: All courses are done at CTC only. Correspondence or web-based material is not available as all courses contain theoretical as well as practical tuition.


Frequently Asked Questions

Prices depend on the preferred training and amenities selected. For specifics, please see our linked Prospectus alternatively feel free to navigate our Courses available through the
“Apply Now” button.

Yes, individuals are welcome to enroll for training with CTC, as long as the minimum requirements for your preferred programme are met.

Yes, CTC offers student residence with single rooms and shared bathroom facilities to learners that serve three meals per day.

A full Engineering Qualification can be obtained within a minimum of 3 years, however only about a 3rd of this time is spend at CTC where knowledge as well as practical components are covered and assessed. The remaining period is spent at a Workplace Approved site to complete workplace experience tasks, these must be completed successfully prior to a learner returning to CTC for final assessment.

Mining and mineral processing training is somewhat shorter and is delivered over a period of 6 – 18 months.
Additional specialised short courses and skills programmes can be anything between 2- days to 10 weeks.
For specifics, please see our linked Prospectus alternatively feel free to navigate our Courses available through the “Apply Now” button.

We can refer learners that have started to study privately at CTC to employers, but we cannot assure successful employment.

Learners can be registered on the MQA Portal, which is a platform that stores information of learners seeking employment. Employers can also access the portal and not only find possible candidates, but also be able to post vacancies that may exist in their organisations.

To start an occupational qualification engineering or mining, one requires a minimum of grade 11, but to exit a trade qualification one requires at least a N2 with four trade related subjects.

The majority of the courses presented at CTC, can only be completed through full-time attendance. Keep in mind that this will be covered over different phases of Provider training as well as allocated time to be spent at the employer (workplace approved site) to complete all workplace experience modules.

CTC however does offer some training on an on-line version.